过去 5 年,KIS 学生的 IBDP 平均成绩为 34.5 分,远高于 30 分的世界平均水平。每年,从昆士兰国际学校毕业的学生都能获得10多个国家、120多所不同大学和学院的录取通知书。
我们敬业的教师和支持我们的家长将通力合作,帮助学生取得成功。我们提供具有学术挑战性的 IB 课程,以及全面的体育、创造力和社区服务计划。从第一次踏进教室的小学生到即将升入最好大学的毕业生,我们都将为学生提供成为终身学习者、成功领导者和负责任的世界公民的工具。
华彬国际学校的校园占地 60 英亩,是世界一流的校园,为我们丰富多彩的课外活动(ECAs)提供了卓越的设施支持。为了帮助有工作的家长,我们还在幼儿室内软体游乐场为一二年级的孩子提供课后托管服务。
课后参加 ECA 让学生们有机会发展和完善学业以外的技能。无论是艺术手工、音乐特长还是运动能力,这些活动都为学生提供了亲身体验的机会,促进了个人成长和自信心的培养。
我们的 KIS 寄宿村是一个大家庭,我们的寄宿村和占地 60 英亩的校园内充满了各种机会,周末我们还可以在家门口参加各种令人兴奋的活动和旅行,在这里我们可以结交到很多好朋友。我们位于曼谷郊外的华彬公园(Reignwood Park)宁静社区内,该社区将美丽的风景和现代化的设施完美地结合在一起,为您提供无与伦比的生活体验。
我们为四年级(9 岁)及以上的学生提供每周寄宿和全寄宿的选择,寄宿村安全可靠,提供时尚舒适的卧室,每间卧室都配有私人浴室和充足的储藏室。在我们卓越的世界级校园里,您就像回到了自己的家。在华彬国际学校寄宿,孩子们每天可以有更多的时间从事他们已经喜欢的活动和尚未发现的兴趣!
在 KIS International School Reignwood Park Campus学习的费用是多少?
- 该校每年的学费从630000
- 到1430000
- THB.
Included in the tuition fee: snacks and lunch for EY and Primary students, materials and textbooks, EAL (subject to school policy), and ECAs led by faculty and staff. Not included in the tuition fee: snacks and lunch for Secondary students (a la carte via smart card), intensive EAL program, selected ECAs, school uniforms and kits, school trips, residential trips, and school bus transportation.
Note: The deposit will be billed at the beginning of each academic year to cover incidental costs, and any unused amount will be refunded at the end of the academic year. Included in the fee: room, all meals, academic support, and selected weekend activities. Not included in the fee: airport transfer, transportation, and visa fees.
Early Years Center (Ages 3-6), Primary School (Ages 6-11), Secondary School (Ages 11-18)
里面有多少名学生 KIS International School Reignwood Park Campus?
124 学生
- 他们存在 124
- 学生就读于 KIS International School Reignwood Park Campus
- 在 16 不同国籍
Promoting and maintaining the health and well-being of students and staff members, ensuring a safe and healthy environment for learning is extremely important at KIS Reignwood Park. We have dedicated Health Hubs in each section of our school, Early Years, Primary, Secondary and Boarding. Each Health Hub is staffed by a team of fully-qualified and experienced nurses. Health Hubs are open from 7:30am to 5:00pm and 24/7 for our Boarding Health Hub where the nurse team work on a rotation through the day and night. Additional Health Hubs are also housed in our indoor Wolves Sports Complex and Football Training Center staffed on game days and during relevant school events. The nurse team is responsible for all aspects of student health as well as keeping and maintaining student’s health records, providing assistance to homeroom teachers and school counselors should health education be required.
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