马德里国王学院英国学校(King's College, The British School of Madrid)是一所英国学校,位于马德里 Tres Cantos 的 Soto de Viñuelas 社区。学校专门为 16 周至 18 岁的儿童(从幼儿园到 13 岁)提供设施,可容纳 1 600 多名学生。
学校占地 12 英亩,位于城市和瓜达拉马山脉之间的郊区,与市中心之间有公交车和铁路相连。自 1969 年以来,马德里国王学院一直为儿童和年轻人提供严格而广泛的英式教育。国王学院的学生继续在欧洲...
地址: Paseo de los Andes, 35. Soto de Viñuelas, Madrid 28761, Spain
King’s College, The British School of Madrid is a British school located in the Soto de Viñuelas neighbourhood in Tres Cantos, Madrid. It offers facilities specifically built for children between 16 weeks and 18 years (from Pre-Nursery to Year 13) and has a capacity for more than 1600 students.
It is located in an attractive 12 acre site in the countryside between the city and the Guadarrama mountains, but is well connected to the city centre by bus and rail. Since 1969 King’s College in Madrid has been providing children and young people with a rigorous and broad British education. Pupils from King’s College continue their studies at some of the most prestigious universities in Europe and North America. A British education gives our alumni the best opportunities to work in challenging and interesting careers all over the world. We believe that the fundamental values that they learn while at King’s College will also help them to have happy and fulfilling family lives.