- 从7500
- 到12150
Department for Education in the UK (DfE) through OFSTED, Coucncil of International Schools (CIS)
iBOS 课程概述
我们的第六中学提供全球认可的国际 A Levels(iALs)课程,供学生报考大学。学生可以从科学、数学、英语、人文学科、语言和商业研究等不同科目中进行选择。
我们为学生提供个性化的学习计划,侧重于大学预科(UCAS)、牛津剑桥和医学入学考试(UCAT)、批判性思维和独立研究技能。我们的 “扩展项目资格证书”(EPQ)鼓励学生深入探讨课题,进一步提高他们的学术水平。我们还为学生量身定制了职业与工作相关学习计划。
除学术活动外,iBOS 还提供丰富的课外活动,包括俱乐部、体育和音乐活动,以培养学生的才能和兴趣。我们的综合方法确保学生培养领导力、团队精神和个人适应能力。
凭借独特的在线教学方式,iBOS 将远程学习的灵活性与传统英国私立教育的严谨性相结合,为学生的学业成功和全球机遇做好准备。
在 International British Online School (iBOS)学习的费用是多少?
- 该校每年的学费从7500
- 到12150
- GBP.
iBOS Payment Structure and Associated FeesAt the International British Online School (iBOS), we are committed to providing high-quality education with transparent and competitive pricing. Below is a detailed breakdown of our payment structure and associated fees for day students, along with information on scholarships and financial assistance.Payment Structure:1. Enrolment Fee: - £995(one-time, non-refundable) This fee covers the administrative costs of processing applications and securing a place for your child.2. Tuition Fees: Tuition fees are divided into three categories based on the Key Stage your child is enrolled in. Please visit our website for the full detail. 3. Examination Fees: - Examination fees for iGCSE and iAL are charged separately and depend on the number and type of exams taken. On average, these range from £100 to £250 per subject.Scholarships and Financial Assistance:1. Merit-Based Scholarships: iBOS offers up to 20% tuition fee reduction for students who demonstrate exceptional academic, artistic, or athletic talent. Scholarships are awarded based on prior achievements, examination performance, and contributions to the school community.2. Financial Assistance Program: We believe that financial constraints should not hinder access to high-quality education. Our Financial Assistance Program provides support to families who may struggle to afford full tuition fees. Assistance can range from 5% to 20% fee reduction, depending on financial need and family circumstances. Applicants are required to submit financial documents for review.3. Sibling Discount: Families enrolling more than one child at iBOS benefit from a **10% discount on the third and subsequent children's tuition fees.4. Early Payment Discount: An early payment discount of 8% is available for parents who pay the full year’s tuition in advance by the specified deadline.Payment Methods:We accept payments via: - Bank transfer - Debit/credit cards - Direct debit for monthly instalmentsFor any queries related to the payment structure, scholarships, or financial assistance, please contact our Admissions Office. We are committed to making high-quality education accessible and are happy to discuss personalised financial plans to suit your needs.