- 从5950
- 到6950
我们提供广泛而全面的第三学习阶段课程,为学生开始重要的考试课程做好充分准备。每班最多不超过 12 名学生,以确保个性化的教学方法,保证每个学生都能实现自己的目标。
从 10 年级开始,学生可以从 16 门爱德思 IGCSE 课程中进行选择,其中大部分课程以模块形式提供,学生每年参加考试,而不是在两年课程结束时参加考试,从而减轻了考试压力。
从 12 年级开始,学生可以选择 11 门 A level 课程,学校还鼓励学生参加扩展项目资格证书课程,该课程可帮助学生为大学生活的严谨学业做好准备,并使他们能够学习自己感兴趣的领域。
Elea High Online School 致力于通过支持性的辅导计划确保学生的身心健康,并承诺为您的孩子提供无与伦比的个性化在线教育体验。 此外,“学生教练”(Student Coaches)还提供全面的支持,包括学术和福利支持、就业和大学指导。
丰富多彩的课外活动让学生们能够在课外相互了解,这些活动包括 虚拟烹饪俱乐部、创意写作、文学俱乐部、电影俱乐部、EtonX 能力课程和模拟联合国。
在 Elea High Online School学习的费用是多少?
- 该校每年的学费从5950
- 到6950
- GBP.
The annual fee of £5950 for KS3 and KS4 covers all online textbooks, a Microsoft 365 account and access to the extra curricular activities. There is a once only registration fee of £250.A level fees are £6950 as class sizes are smaller in KS5. The Extended Project Qualification is an optional extra at £1400. Scholarships are available on a case by case basis.
Enrolment can be undertaken at any time of the year
里面有多少名学生 Elea High Online School?
60 学生
- 他们存在 60
- 学生就读于 Elea High Online School
- 在 17 不同国籍
Elea High Online School follows the UK guidelines on Safeguarding and Well-being. As an online school, the potential for health and safety issues is reduced but there is a greater emphasis on well-being and cyber-bullying. We have a designated safeguarding lead who, like the entire staff, undertake update training on safeguarding and well-being each year. We operate a coaching/mentoring programme for each student who meets fortnightly with their coach mentor.