上海是中国的四个直接控制的市政当局和世界上人口最多的城市之一,截至2014年,人口超过2400万。和运输中心,拥有世界上最繁忙的容器端口。它位于杨氏河三角洲,坐落在东中国海岸中部阳式河口的南边缘,市政当局与江苏和西尔吉安的各省接壤,并在北部,南部和西部界限,并被边界。东方海边的东方。上海是中国大陆的商业和金融中心,在Z/YEN Group和Katar Financial Center Authority发布的2017年版全球金融中心指数中排名第13位。在过去的二十年中,上海一直是世界上发展最快的城市之一。
Since 2003, Dulwich Pudong has been a leading international school in Shanghai with a strong academic reputation.
At Dulwich College Shanghai Puxi the curriculum is academically rigorous, yet the education of the whole child is seen as critical. The wellbeing programme and range of co-curricular opportunities available to all children encourages academic, physical, social and emotional growth
For over 15 years, our high-scoring students have gone on to attend the top universities in the world. Our teachers coach, support and inspire students to achieve outstanding results.
YCIS Shanghai marks our first footprint in the Chinese mainland. Over the past 30 years, the school has expanded with six campuses across Puxi, Pudong and Lingang, offering a unique education pathway and competitive international curriculum for expatriate children aged 2 - 18.
上海社区国际学校 (SCIS) 成立于 1996 年,是上海首批国际学校之一,是一所非营利性教育走读学校,由独立的董事会管理,并接受国际学校基金会的监督。
For over 20 years, NAIS Pudong has welcomed our students into a diverse international community, motivating them to achieve the best academic results and to attend the top universities in the world.