Beste online scholen in India

Best Online Schools in India

Terwijl studenten, ouders en opvoeders de waarde van online onderwijs beginnen te zien, kiezen steeds meer scholen ervoor om online te verhuizen. Bekijk wat online scholen uit India een geweldige keuze maakt!

Studenten die ervoor kiezen om online scholen te wonen, kunnen academische kwalificaties verdienen die over de hele wereld worden erkend en gerespecteerd. Online klassen kunnen studenten in staat stellen om te communiceren met een diverse, wereldwijde en interculturele groep studenten en internationale studenten een unieke culturele ervaring bieden en online studeren is een legitiem pad geworden naar wereldberoemde internationale universiteiten.

Het vinden van de juiste online school kan de educatieve mogelijkheden van een student ver voorbij zijn dan wat ze in hun omgeving kunnen tegenkomen en kunnen studenten helpen die mogelijk hebben geworsteld met traditionele scholen.

India is een helder en levendig land met een geweldige mix van verschillende culturen en mensen. India is het op een na grootste land per bevolking met meer dan 1,2 miljard mensen die een zesde van de totale bevolking van de wereld vertegenwoordigen. India heeft veel verschillende religieuze en etnische groepen. De meest voorkomende religie is die van de hindoe (ongeveer 80%), gevolgd door moslim (12%), christen (2%) en andere religies zoals Sikh, Boeddhisme en Jain.

Vanaf 2015 was de Indiase economie ’s werelds zevende grootste door nominale bbp en derde grootste door de aankooppariteit. Na marktgebaseerde economische hervormingen in 1991 is India een van de snelst groeiende grote economieën geworden en wordt het als een nieuw geïndustrialiseerd land beschouwd.

Beste online scholen in India

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    • location National House, 2nd Floor, 60-66 Wardour Street, London, W1F 0TA, UK
    School Beyond Limitations

    School Beyond Limitations offers flexible online live schooling of a creative interdisciplinary nature catering for global students and families including those with mobile life-styles traveling the world, or dispersed families or specialist elite sports students or those already working as entrepreneurs. Aiming to break the mould of discrete disciplines, SBL inspires students to learn through […]

    gender Co-educatie
    147 students
    day boarding Online School
    curriculum UK curriculum
    min fee From 5,500 to 21,400 EUR
    min fee From 4 to 19 yo
    • location 167 Great Portland St, London W1W 5PF, United Kingdom
    Highgrove Online School

    Highgrove Online School is a haven for ambitious pupils who want the very best all-round British education wherever they might be in the world. We offer a warm school community, an academic programme that supports pupils to achieve to the very best of their ability at GCSE and A level, and an extra-curricular programme that […]

    gender Co-educatie
    70 students
    day boarding Online School
    curriculum UK curriculum
    min fee From 1250 to 10950 GBP
    min fee From 13 to 19 yo
    • location Delaware, USA
    Bina School

    bina is a global, accredited school that fits families everywhere, delivering full-time digital education crafted for 4 to 12-year-olds. We're an innovative school backed by the best international investors (Softbank Asia and SparkMind), with an advisory board including the UK's former Minister of Education.

    gender Co-educatie
    60 students
    day boarding Online School
    curriculum Ons curriculum, UK curriculum
    min fee From 10,500 USD
    min fee From 4 to 12 yo
    • location 1555 N Fiesta Blvd, Gilbert, AZ 85233, USA
    Smart Schools International

    Smart Schools is an accredited American online middle and high school. Students can earn a US high school diploma from anywhere in the world. We offer an affordable and flexible path to complete courses and earn an American high school diploma.

    gender Co-educatie
    2400 students
    day boarding Online School
    curriculum Ons curriculum, Spaans curriculum
    min fee From 350 to 3500 USD
    min fee From 10 to 19 yo
    • location San Francisco, CA

    Vibrant virtual program where the flexibility to learn from anywhere doesn’t mean boring curriculum or an isolated learning experience. Join our community of families who are doing school differently.

    gender Co-educatie
    246 students
    day boarding Online School
    curriculum Ons curriculum
    min fee From $4,800 to $10,750 USD
    min fee From 9 to 18 yo
    • location InterHigh Education, Sixth Floor, 3 Burlington Gardens, London, W1S 3EP, United Kingdom
    King’s InterHigh

    King’s InterHigh is an independent British international online school. Offering Primary, Secondary and Sixth Form education, we cater to students from age 7 – 18 who are looking for a high-quality British and international education, working towards International GCSEs, A Levels, or the IB Diploma Programme, delivered in a way that revolves around their needs and interests. All with the backing of Inspired, the world’s leading education group.

    gender Co-educatie
    6500 students
    day boarding Online School
    curriculum Internationaal baccalaureaat, Ons curriculum, UK curriculum
    min fee From 2,750 GBP to 6,605 GBP
    min fee From 7 to 18 yo
    • location United Arab Emirates
    My Education Online

    My Education Online is an affordable, family-based British online school offering live, innovative, and interactive classes. While we primarily serve students in the UAE and other Middle Eastern countries, we welcome learners from around the world, provided they can join classes according to our schedule.

    gender Co-educatie
    25 students
    day boarding Online School
    curriculum UK curriculum
    min fee From 3,400 to 6,400 GBP
    min fee From 6 to 19 yo
    • location 11 Cedar St, Stony Brook, NY 11790, USA
    Gravitas: A Global Extension of The Stony Brook School

    Gravitas is the online home of The Stony Brook School (SBS), a renowned, private 103-year-old college prep school on Long Island, New York.

    gender Co-educatie
    107 students
    day boarding Online School
    curriculum Ons curriculum
    min fee $24,000 USD
    min fee From 10 to 18 yo
    • location 12 Goldfinch Ln, Lee-on-the-Solent PO13 8LN, UK
    Elea High Online School

    Elea High Online School is a small, supportive, family-oriented Secondary and Sixth Form online school where every student is valued for the unique qualities they bring to an inclusive, caring, global school community. Employing high-quality teachers, many of whom are examiners, enables Elea High Online School to deliver effective and engaging lessons that follow the […]

    gender Co-educatie
    60 students
    day boarding Online School
    curriculum UK curriculum
    min fee From 5.950 to 6.950 GBP
    min fee From 11 to 18 yo
    • location 291 Central Park West, New York, NY 10024, USA
    Dwight Global Online School

    Dwight Global Online School, the cloud campus of The Dwight Schools, blends online & on-campus opportunities for grades 6-12. Features live online classes, flexible scheduling, & a worldwide community.

    gender Co-educatie
    423 students
    day boarding Online School
    curriculum Internationaal baccalaureaat, Ons curriculum
    min fee Max 39,900 USD
    min fee From 11 to 18 yo
    • location Laurel Springs School, 302 El Paseo Rd, Ojai, CA 93023, United States
    Laurel Springs School

    Laurel Springs is an accredited, online, private school for K-12 offering a self-paced, globally accessible curriculum. We offer creative and interactive elementary courses, 240+ college-prep courses (including Honors, AP®, and AP® Capstone) and 160+ NCAA-approved courses.

    gender Co-educatie
    2711 students
    day boarding Online School
    curriculum Ons curriculum
    min fee From 6,000 to 15,700 USD
    min fee From 5 to 19 yo
    • location Floor 4, 28 Clarendon Road Watford United Kingdom WD17 1JJ
    Nisai Learning

    The Nisai Virtual Academy is a global online learning community that extends beyond the constraints of the traditional school walls. We have been inspiring students to be the best version of themselves by unlocking their potential to change the world since 1996. Our approach is flexible and tailored to individual needs and requirements.

    gender Co-educatie
    2720 students
    day boarding Online School
    curriculum Andere leerplannen, Cambridge curriculum, UK curriculum
    min fee From 1899 to 2499 GBP
    min fee From 8 to 19 yo
    • location A-One, Z. A. La Pièce 4, 1180 Rolle, Switzerland
    Eastwood Global Online School

    Eastwood Global Online School, a leading provider of online education, is founded on the principles of Academic Excellence, Freedom, Global Community, Entrepreneurial Spirit, and Empowerment.

    gender Co-educatie
    1801 students
    day boarding Online School
    curriculum Internationaal baccalaureaat, Ons curriculum
    min fee $8,000 USD
    min fee From 6 to 19 yo
    • location Wolsey Hall Oxford International Ltd, Midland House, West Way, Oxford, OX2 0PH
    Wolsey Hall Oxford

    At Wolsey Hall Oxford, we believe every child deserves an education that’s as unique as they are. That’s why, through our online, pupil-led learning approach, our students can choose what, where, when, and how they study, from ages 3 to 18 – with no live lessons, set timetables or crowded classrooms to hold them back.

    gender Co-educatie
    3000 students
    day boarding Online School
    curriculum Cambridge curriculum, UK curriculum
    min fee From 1,200 to 2,500 GBP
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location Scotch College, 76 Shenton Rd, Swanbourne WA 6010, Australia
    Scotch Global

    Scotch Global is one of seven schools selected globally to deliver the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) online.

    gender Co-educatie
    1600 students
    day boarding Online School
    curriculum Andere leerplannen, Internationaal baccalaureaat
    min fee From $12,500 AUD
    min fee From 11 to 19 yo
    • location Ardent Business Center, 1st Floor, Triq l-Oratorju, Naxxar, Malta, NXR 2504
    gender Co-educatie
    500 students
    day boarding Online School
    curriculum Ons curriculum
    min fee From $675 to $10,500 USD
    min fee From 13 to 19 yo
    • location 7 Chome-5-1 Hikarigaoka, Nerima City, Tokyo 179-0072
    gender Co-educatie
    790 students
    day boarding Online School
    curriculum Internationaal baccalaureaat
    min fee From 1500000 JPY
    min fee From 16 to 19 yo