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Las mejores Escuela de chino del mundo

Padres y alumnos están de acuerdo: estasEscuela de chino tienen mucho que ofrecer
Yew Chung International School of...
Shanghai, China
YCIS Shanghai marks our first footprint in the Chinese mainland. Over the past 30 years, the school has expanded with six campuses across Puxi, Pudong and Lingang, offering...
The British International School ...
Puxi, China
For over 15 years, our high-scoring students have gone on to attend the top universities in the world. Our teachers coach, support and inspire students to achieve outstandi...
Dulwich College Shanghai Pudong
Pudong, China
Since 2003, Dulwich Pudong has been a leading international school in Shanghai with a strong academic reputation.

Otras grandes Escuela de chino del mundo