International School of Flanders
- من9570
- إلى22170
أسس في 2000
Council of International Schools (CIS), British Schools Overseas (BSO),Council of Overseas British Schools (COBIS)
In our Primary sections, we follow the International Primary Curriculum, which is an internationally-minded, thematic-based curriculum that encourages students to develop their ability to learn and acquire the skills needed to become life-long learners. In our Secondary section Years 7-9, students follow a curriculum based on the National Curriculum of England and Wales, in Years 10-11 students follow a two-year IGCSE year programme from Cambridge, finally our Year 12-13 (A-Level) curriculum caters for students aged 17-18, preparing them for University entrance.
لا صفية
We provide a variety of lunchtime and after-school clubs each term. These clubs are open to students of all ages. We offer a range of activities including different sports, languages, STEM, Arts and Crafts and Music. Our Secondary students also learn about Future Technologies such as AI, Block Chain and and Personal Mindsets such as Antifragility and Appreciation.
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كم تكلفة الدراسة فيInternational School of Flanders?
- من 9570
- ل 22170
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كم عدد الطلاب فيInternational School of Flanders?
- في المجموع،International School of Flanders يسجل
- 250 الطلاب من
- 52جنسيات مختلفة.
One third of ISF´s staff are first aid trained.