International School of Florence
- from 3
- to 19 years old
44 different nationalities
- from 13950
- to 24040
541 students
Founded in 1952
Council of International Schools (CIS) and Middle States Association
Accredited by both the Council of International Schools (CIS) and Middle States Association, ISF currently enrolls approximately 540 students, representing more than 44 nationalities and over 25 languages. The school delivers the Reggio Emilia followed by the IB Primary Years and Diploma Programmes. The teaching staff of 113 includes 26 Italian educators who assist with integrating overseas teaching with the local culture.
Extra curricular
At ISF, we are committed to educating the whole person. A wide array of extracurricular opportunities are offered as a complimentary service to students. Students are provided with the chance to try new things, develop their individual interests and discover their passions. Activities are open to students by grade level, with some activities running across grade levels when possible. Activity leaders are teachers or experts in their field who provide the materials and insights into their chosen discipline and bring their passion directly to the students.
Soccer court
Arts room
Music room
Science room
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to International School of Florence?
- from 13950
- to 24040