Institut Montana Zugerberg

Colegio diurno - Internado
Europa, Europa Oriental, Suiza


El Institut Montana Switzerland es un internado internacional suizo plenamente acreditado desde hace 90 años y, desde 1987, un colegio mundial oficial del IB. Ofrecemos cuatro programas académicos: La Escuela Primaria Bilingüe (Inglés/Alemán, Grados 1-6) La Escuela Secundaria Bilingüe (Inglés/Alemán, Grados 7-9) El Colegio Internacional (inglés, grados 6-12) Swiss Gymnasium (alemán o alemán/inglés,...
Tipo de escuela



55 nacionalidades diferentes

Tasa anual
Número de estudiantes

360 estudantes


Fundado en 1926


Council of International Schools (CIS), IB World School, Cambridge International, Kanton Zug ,KiVa Antibullying Program


Swiss Bilingual Primary School (grades 1-6)

Cambridge Lower Secondary (grades 6-8)

IGCSE (grades 9-10)

IB Diploma Programme (grades 11-12)

Swiss Bilingual Secondary School (grades 7-9)

Swiss High School Matura, (grades 7-12)

High School Diploma (grades 9-12)

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Lengua de enseñanza
Lenguas extranjeras enseñadas

Actividades extraescolares

El aprendizaje que conduce a diplomas o Maturas no lo es todo. Es mejor complementarlo con actividades de aprendizaje que sean inspiradoras por sí mismas.

Los alumnos desarrollan la motivación de aprender por aprender, y eso les acompaña toda la vida. Por eso, las actividades extraescolares son más que un complemento o un entretenimiento: son fundamentales para la vida de la escuela. En el camino, nuestros jóvenes a menudo descubren talentos que nunca imaginaron tener. Tienen la oportunidad de aprender y convertirse en adultos seguros de sí mismos, que adoptan un enfoque saludable de la vida y desarrollan habilidades para el futuro.

Mantenerse activo es crucial para la salud física y mental. Queremos que nuestros alumnos encuentren lo que les motiva a mantenerse en forma y con energía. Con varias opciones que cambian regularmente, hay algo para todos.

Deportes de equipo (por ejemplo, voleibol, fútbol, unihockey)

Tenis y bádminton


Fitness y zumba

Tiro con arco

Bicicleta de montaña

Natación para principiantes

O simplemente disfrutar al máximo de nuestro increíble entorno natural.


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Your children will be warmly welcomed into a happy, multi-national, family-like community and cared for by experienced house parents.

Their lives will be full of fun and learning, in an environment that is safe and loving. Children need different types of support as they mature, so we adapt our programmes so that students develop into self-responsible, confident and kind people. We have three houses, two for boys and one for girls. Single/double accomodation. Each bedroom comes fully furnished with a bed, wardrobe, desk, chair, and small refrigerator, and we offer laundry service.

On weekends, our boarding students explore Switzerland, its culture and its magnificent landscape with regular visits to ski resorts during the winter. Evenings are opportunities to wind down, but there is also a programme of activities to keep everyone busy.

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Matrícula y tasas

¿Cuánto cuesta estudiar en Institut Montana Zugerberg?

Estudiantes de día

Day schoolYears 1-12CHF 32,900 - 36,800(fee per year)

Estudiantes internos

Boarding schoolYears 5-12, our boarding school begins at the age of 10CHF 70,400 - 72,800(fee per year)Flexi-boardingOn request, your child can stay at Montana as a boarding student during the week or at weekendsUpon request

Lo que hay que saber

Fase de inscripción

Rolling admissions policy

¿Cuántos estudiantes hay en Institut Montana Zugerberg?

360 estudiantes

Proporción de alumnos por profesor



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Descripción general

Institut Montana Switzerland is a fully accredited Swiss international boarding school for 90 years now and since 1987 an official IB World School. We offer four academic programmes:

  • The Bilingual Primary School (English/German, Grades 1-6)
  • The Bilingual Secondary School (English/German, Grades 7-9)
  • The International School (English, Grades 6-12)
  • Swiss Gymnasium (German or German/English, Grades 7-12)

The School’s longstanding experience in academic excellence allows us to ideally prepare students as well educated and confident individuals ready for success at world-renowned international universities.

A central location in a natural setting
The campus of Institut Montana is located on the Zugerberg mountain, only 15 minutes by public transport from the city of Zug and less than one hour away from Zurich with its international airport. We take full advantage of our unique location, which offers both privacy and calm in a natural setting, while being centrally located near international cities.

Our campus is more than a school, it can be your mountain home! In a land where other international schools also enjoy the peace and beauty of Switzerland, our location stands out.

Educational Philosophy
Internationalism and individualised attention are cornerstones of our educational philosophy. The school was founded on humanist principles by Dr Max Husmann in 1926. Today, the school serves 380+ students from over 55 different nations. As more than 90% of our students have a first language other than English, courses in a variety of languages are made available to ensure personal and educational development. More than half of our students are boarding students.

Individual Support & College Counselling
Our students take advantage of small class groups (max. 15 students), teacher supervised study times, personal academic advisory system, one-to-one College Counselling and round-the-clock support in a family-like atmosphere.

IB Diploma Programme
The International School of Institut Montana Switzerland offers the International Baccalaureate Diploma in grades 11 and 12. The Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) is offered to our students in grades 9 and 10. Non-native English speaking students are required to take special courses in English as an Additional Language until their level is deemed sufficient for them to successfully complete a college preparatory programme of studies.

Co-curricular Activites

Our balanced and diverse activities programme revolves around sports, creativity and culture. Co-curricular offers involve on and off campus activities, with travel opportunities. The Student Council, the Entrepreneurship and MUN programme and various other programmes empower the students to actively contribute to the school life and gain important experiences for their later life.



5 opiniones

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Institut Montana Zugerberg

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