Os melhores colégios internos para rapazes do mundo

Boys Boarding Schools

Os internatos para rapazes são uma excelente oportunidade para os rapazes receberem uma óptima educação. Os colégios internos para rapazes dão-lhes a oportunidade de crescerem e amadurecerem à sua maneira, ao mesmo tempo que recebem uma educação de alta qualidade.

Um colégio interno para rapazes pode ser academicamente excelente e cheio de actividades divertidas como o clube de teatro, equipas desportivas – quaisquer que sejam os interesses do seu filho!

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Os melhores colégios internos para rapazes

Os melhores colégios internos para rapazes do mundo estão todos aqui. Encontre tudo o que precisa de saber, incluindo propinas, taxas, currículo, instalações e muito mais – além de contactar um conselheiro gratuitamente!

Cranbrook is a multi-campus Anglican independent day and boarding School for students Pre-School to Year 12. Overlooking Sydney Harbour, Cranbrook School was founded in 1918 as a haven for the pursuit of truth and knowledge. Inspired by the end...
With sweeping views of the historic harbour, The Scots College is one of Australia’s oldest and most respected Presbyterian boys’ schools, located in Sydney. The College is a distinctive Australian school that defends the honourable traditions adv...
The College welcomes students from local families as well as international families.
Anglican Church Grammar School (Churchie) is an Anglican school for day boys and boarders, with about 1,890 students from Reception to Year 12. There are approximately 550 boys in the Preparatory School and 1,340 in the Senior School. Boarding is ...
Bedford School is a leading independent boarding and day school for boys aged 7 - 18 years, located in a beautiful 50-acre estate in the heart of Bedford, a historic town less than 40 minutes by train from London and within easy reach of Heathrow ...
Located in Wahroonga on Sydney’s North Shore, Knox Grammar School is a leading independent Uniting Church school. Knox Grammar School was founded in 1924 Knox Grammar School seeks to be an exemplary School, developing, within a caring Christian en...