- グローバルなアクセシビリティ:世界中どこからでも学ぶことができ、世界中の仲間とつながることができます。
- フレキシブルなスケジュール:質の高い教育を損なうことなく、仕事、生活、学業を両立させることができます。
- 多様なコース:AI、クリエイティブ・アート、ビジネス・マネジメントなど、コースの種類は多岐にわたる。
- 整理整頓:デジタルツールを活用して、学習スケジュールやリソースを整理しておきましょう。
- 積極的に参加する:フォーラム、グループディスカッション、バーチャルミートアップに参加し、学習を充実させましょう。
- 明確な目標を設定する:具体的で測定可能な目標を持つことで、集中力とモチベーションが格段に高まります。
Laurel Springs is an accredited, online, private school for K-12 offering a self-paced, globally accessible curriculum. We offer creative and interactive elementary courses, 240+ college-prep courses (including Honors, AP®, and AP® Capstone) and 160+ NCAA-approved courses.
Scotch Global is one of seven schools selected globally to deliver the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) online.
Gravitas is the online home of The Stony Brook School (SBS), a renowned, private 103-year-old college prep school on Long Island, New York.
The Nisai Virtual Academy is a global online learning community that extends beyond the constraints of the traditional school walls. We have been inspiring students to be the best version of themselves by unlocking their potential to change the world since 1996. Our approach is flexible and tailored to individual needs and requirements.
Highgrove Online School is a haven for ambitious pupils who want the very best all-round British education whe […]
At Wolsey Hall Oxford, we believe every child deserves an education that’s as unique as they are. That’s why, through our online, pupil-led learning approach, our students can choose what, where, when, and how they study, from ages 3 to 18 – with no live lessons, set timetables or crowded classrooms to hold them back.
Vibrant virtual program where the flexibility to learn from anywhere doesn’t mean boring curriculum or an isolated learning experience. Join our community of families who are doing school differently.