United Lisbon International School



A United Lisbon International School é uma escola moderna e inovadora que oferece às crianças uma educação que as prepara para o futuro. A Tecnologia, a Cidadania Global, o Empreendedorismo, o Desporto e as Artes são os pilares da nossa educação. Proporcionamos uma educação baseada em padrões rigorosos de excelência, integrando perfeitamente a tecnologia no ambiente de aprendizagem. Somos uma escola ...
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54 nacionalidades diferentes

Propinas anuais
Nr de estudantes

600 estudantes


Fundado em 2020


International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme, NEASC Candidate School, Council of International Schools


Oferecemos um programa académico de qualidade que segue os Common Core State Standards (CCSS) dos Estados Unidos da América. A escola acolhe alunos desde a primeira infância (3 anos) até à conclusão do ensino secundário (12.º ano).

Criamos uma cultura de aprendizagem dinâmica onde os nossos alunos se tornam especialistas com uma compreensão concetual profunda, elevados níveis de competências e um forte carácter moral positivo. O nosso percurso de aprendizagem culmina com o programa do Diploma de Bacharelato Internacional (IB) nos 11º e 12º anos, no qual os alunos se graduam com o Diploma IB.

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Língua de instrução
Línguas estrangeiras ensinadas

Extra curricular

Our extra-curricular activities program enriches students’ educational experiences by offering a variety of options, including sports, STEAM, arts, global citizenship, and entrepreneurship. We collaborate with top local providers to ensure our students engage with the best in class while exploring their interests.

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Propinas e taxas

Quanto custa estudar na United Lisbon International School?

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Fase de inscrição

At United Lisbon Academy, we accept applications year-round, guiding you seamlessly from inquiry to enrollment.

Quantos alunos existem em United Lisbon International School?

600 estudantes

Saúde e segurança

There is a dedicated nurse on campus along with a SEN Department to cater to the needs of students requiring special education.

Relação aluno-professor


Necessidades especiais


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United Lisbon International School is a modern and innovative school providing education for children to prepare them for the future. Technology, Global Citizenship, Entrepreneurism, Sports and the Arts are all pillars of our education. We provide education founded on rigorous standards of excellence, seamlessly integrating technology into the learning environment.

We are a K-12 school for children aged from 3-18. Although only 4 years old the school has a wealth of experience built up from a dedicated team of professional staff who all have one thing in common, that is to deliver a world class education to all our students, following an American international curriculum and the IB diploma for grades 11 and 12. We have prioritized technology as a core for an education for the future and have worked hard to become a Microsoft Showcase School.

Our school community now boasts over 50 nationalities – representing a truly international community. We now have over 600 students and a fabulous international faculty that brings years of international education and cultural experience.



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United Lisbon International School

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This contact form is for parents interested in applying their children to the school. For any job application please contact the school directly from their website.

This school doesn't offer scholarships, please only use this contact form if you are interested in applying your children without scholarship.

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